
Mother of All Bombs!!! US bombing of IS in Afghanistan 'killed dozens'

A US military hit with a weapon known as the "mother of all bombs" (MOAB) slaughtered 36 IS activists and devastated their base, the Afghan resistance service says.

The most effective non-atomic bomb at any point utilized by the US in battle was dropped on IS passages in Nangarhar area.

No regular folks were influenced by the blast, the service said.
Previous Afghan President Hamid Karzai denounced the assault as "a cruel and most merciless abuse of our nation".

Gen Nicholson said it was "the right weapon against the right target" and "it was the right time to use the GBU-43 tactically".
He added: "Let me be clear - we will not relent in our mission to destroy [IS in Afghanistan]... There will be no sanctuary for terrorists in Afghanistan."

Achin locale representative Ismail Shinwary told the BBC that Afghan unique strengths, with the assistance of American air bolster, had started against IS operations in the range 13 days prior. 

He said IS targets had been shelled frequently however "the previous evening's besieging was intense... the greatest I have ever observed". 

Nangarhar Provincial Governor Gulab Mangal said IS warriors had utilized the complex to "execute individuals and hold essential gatherings".

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