
Dota 2, Antimage & Terrorblade's relation revealed finally!

There are lots of heroes in dota 2 with great lores.But I am gonna discuss about some of them and give my opinions and thoughts on them.

I will start with Antimage and Terrorblade!

It's been everywhere that what is the actual story of antimage and terrorblade.I will share what I think about them.
  • Despite being an acolyte at the time of his escape, Anti-Mage has learned some techniques of the Turstarkuri, possibly from its dogmatic scrolls.[1]
  • After escaping from Turstarkuri, Anti-Mage continued to meditate in the ways of the Monks of Turstarkuri.[2]
  • Anti-Mage feels guilty about being the only survivor, and continues to see his old friends through his mind's eye.[3]
  • Anti-Mage has knowledge of the Tael'Am.
  • Anti-Mage has a relationship with the Highsand Nomads, becoming one of their initiates.[4]
  • Anti-Mage has vanquished Hroth, the Anvil Magus.[5]
  • Anti-Mage has vanquished Throsho, the shapeshifting sorcerer.[6]
  • Anti-Mage has vanquished Sahsk, and was rewarded for his deed by the sovereign of Yoskreth. Because of these victories, his fame grew.[7]
  • Originally, Terrorblade icon.png Terrorblade was supposed to be Anti-Mage's brother. This is a reflection of their characters used in DotA. The relationship has likely been removed from the lore.[8](source:dots2/gamepedia)
So according to dota 2 lore there is no relation between antimage and terrorblade!
But according to warcraft lore
Antimage was prisonned and when he got out he was turned into a demon because of staying in there for soo long.
There is another lore which says that antimage and terrorblads are twin brothers but I personally don't want that to be the real lore.
For me the best lore is that antimage=terrorblade,that is soo cool :-)
Tell me what do you think about my opinion in the comment section or email me or contact me on facebook.
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